Wednesday, July 5, 2017

The Heart of Your Computer

The Central Processing Unit (CPU), the heart of your computer, is located on a single integrated circuit (IC) chip. The IC chip also contains the memory (the data that you have created or captured and stored) of your computer. Some technicians refer to the memory as the brain, but a brain thinks, reasons, and forms ideas, whereas memory, like a library of books, only gives you back what it has.

Most folks know about the IC chip, the most important (and most expensive) component of their computer. Those who do not know that usually learn it when a chip manufacturer (such as Intel, AMD, Nvidia, or other) reports that they will send a software patch to correct a vulnerability in chips they sold or placed in electronic devices, like your computer. Think of a technology vulnerability like a door left unlocked in your house. Someone unwanted might enter your house. A vulnerability in your IC chip provides an opportunity for someone to get access to your memory data, to steal it, mess it up, or lock it up until you pay them a ransom to get a code to release it.

But, remember that your computer has a heart, the CPU, which processes the patches of vulnerabilities. Find out who sends the patches to your computer and how. Microsoft supports your computer that contains a Microsoft Windows operation system. Apple supports your iPad or other Apple product. You may have a Linux operating system and need to get your patches from Redhat or other Linux supporter. Other types of microprocessors exist as well. Check your purchase data to learn about them. When you find the correct one, contact them and find out when they push the patches electronically to their product users. Probably your operating system support company sends a massive electronic push once per month, a smaller weekly push, and (in an emergency to correct a serious IC chip flaw), as soon as the patch exists.

You may leave your computer on all of the time. If you do, your operating system support company regularly sends the patches to your computer. Check your security history file to see which ones you have (you want to see current dates). Contact the sender if you want to know more about the patch. If you turn your computer off at the end of your day, pick one day each week in which you will leave it on to get the patches. Also, say a prayer for your CPU. As long as it has a heart, you have a computer.

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