Tuesday, May 1, 2018

5 Tips That Can Help You Master Your Voice User Interface Design

Voice User Interface design (VUI) at a full swing is gradually turning advanced and popular these days. Digital personal assistants such as Amazon's Alexa, Apple's Siri, Google Now and Microsoft's Cortana, are regularly advancing to become the best available voice assistant in the market.

Since, the launch of Echo, the voice assistant device by Amazon in December 2014, till today approximately 8.2 million devices are sold, and the return of voice search continues to scale. MindMeld's Internet Trends Report of 2016, stats that 60% of people last year started using voice search, and in the last six months 41% of people started.

A prediction by BCC research asserts that at an annual growth rate of 12.1%, the global market for voice recognition technologies of $104.4 billion in 2016 will rise to $184.9 billion in 2021.

This wave is being driven by technological advancements and deep learning, which lets the developers build systems that have outstanding accuracy for the tasks like speech recognition, language and image analysis.

Microsoft, in 2016 announced that its most recent speech-recognition system reached equivalence with human transcribers in identifying human speech.

The pace at which voice technology is advancing, it's changing the way we interact with our devices. Still, several common UX design methods still are in practice - which includes user research, persona making, user flows, prototyping, usability testing, and iterative design - a few differences for voice UIs should be noted.

If you're planning to begin your first project of voice user interface design, below are five essential tips that will help you throughout -

Conversational - Talking vs typing

It's essential to ensure that a voice UI recognizes natural speech and should accept a broad range of various inputs.

Typing and speaking one same thing is different, rather using few keywords, use complete sentences or questions.

Visualize your Sunday morning, when you type "brunch nearby" on your phone. A list of all relevant places will appear on your screen. But, when we communicate with a voice service, you'd be more likely to request in a manner like, "Alexa, what are the best places to brunch nearby?"

Ensure the machines are capable of recognizing and reacting to thousands of various commands to simply be successful.

Make recognition intuitive

Nobody likes to learn a hundred of commands to execute particular tasks. Be mindful not to create a system that which is complex, not user-friendly and takes too much time to be familiar.

Machines should be capable of remembering us and becoming more productive with each use.

For suppose, you ask your device for directions, which is like,

"Alexa, can you give me directions to home."

"Sure, where is your home?"

"You know where my home is!"

"I'm sorry, you'll need to repeat that."

This scene creates a disappointing experience for the user which is neither satisfying nor successful.

However, if the system would have retained information about your home address, quickly a list of all the directions would have been provided. Possibly a brief voice response with a visual element like a map and directions. Delivering an experience like this is quickly rewarding and satisfying. Intuitive design, as with GUI or graphical user interfaces, must be done right by the designers.

Approachability - Analyze what users need

Two essential things that make Voice Interactions successfully are the device recognizing the person speaking, and the speaker understanding the device. The designers must always acknowledge potential speech checks, auditory impairments, and every element that can influence the interaction, like intellective disorders. Even language, accent, or voice tone affects how the device interprets them.

As a designer, you should be intelligent about where and how to use design and voice in a manner that anyone can use it, irrelevant to how they speak or how they listen.

Consider the user's environment surroundings

Saying something on your phone with a loud, busy train in the background is an example, why it's necessary to recognise how different conditions influence the type of interface you designed. If the primary application is for driving, it is an excellent choice then - the hands and eyes of users are busy, but their voice and ears are not. If you use the app somewhere in a noisy place, it's better to request on a visual interface, for the surrounding noise makes voice recognition and hearing more challenging.

If the usability of your app is both at home and on a public conveyance, it is essential to provide an option to switch between a voice and visual interface.

Feedback - two side interaction

In a normal conversation one to let another know, that he/she is interested in a conversation by nodding heads, smiling, and some other gestures. Similarly, it should be delivered to the users who interact with your machine. It's essential to respect this with your design, so the user grasps their device is switched on and pays attention to them.

The system must always inform users about what is happening. Furthermore, it's critical to regard how your user will understand that the system is conscious in a non-invasive manner. You can feature it with a sound effect or flashlight as per your choice.

Should You Collaborate With Managed Services? Here's Why

Managed Service Provider, or MSP, includes services associated with daily tasks of managing IT departments. Depending on the nature and size of a business, an MSP acts as the IT department for a firm. Of late, MSP is widely used because it lowers operational costs, provides better security solutions, improves the operational performance of businesses, and maintains stability. But, how would you know whether your business needs MSP, of whether it is the right time to call for it?

Read on to know when it is the right time to work with MSP:

#1: Low Spirits and High Work Expectation

IT departments are demanding. As such, employees suffer due to lack of confidence despite their hard work. If this is the scenario at your business place, it is a sign you need MSP. MSPs can help you to offload some busywork, thus giving relief to your employees. Mundane tasks like system performance monitoring, user communication tracking, maintaining system backup with latest patches, and routine IT tasks can be outsourced. This step instantly releases pressure of overworked IT employees and helps you to provide a healthier and happier work environment, which eventually contributes to the ability to lure IT talent.

#2: Not Having a Viable Long-Term IT Planning and Strategy

For a team, it is important to work synergistically and be prepared for more. If your team were not in synergy, they would fail to answer basic questions for the future. So, do not push future planning aside. You may survive now, but not in the future. MSPs step in to alleviate these issues so that the IT staffers refocus on planning and strategizing for the future.

#3: Using Temp Staff from Time to time

If your business needs temporary workers from time to time, you are understaffed. This may be the result of higher turnover versus lower morale, or because your business is growing exponentially faster than you can hire. As a result, you must find top IT talent, especially in your areas of expertise like developers, security specialists, analysts, and mainframes. MSPs provide you easy access to necessary skills and experience your business needs, thus releasing you from your dependence on temporary staff.

#4: Extra Employees Required for New Projects

If your business has long-term projects, it can be tricky at times. Usually, long-term projects have varied workload. There may be times when you would have to hire more IT people to deliver the job on time. Managed service providers can help you with timely delivery and ensure that you are able to meet your deadlines without failing your commitments.

#5: Failing to Maintain Countless IT Vendors

Juggling multiple vendors, IT services, and contractors is a burden. It is high time to consolidate your vendors with MSPs. MSPs can provide different services on a monthly basis for a nominal charge. Instead of taking up new services, contracts, and vendors, you should collaborate with a dedicated MSP.

#6: Frequent User Complains

If users are complaining about your service - delays, fussy, or poor, it's time to consider providing a top-notch service to your IT department. MSPs take over mundane tasks and service requests to deliver prompt services to customers.

The Twenty Minute War

Jannsun Rader had started work for Matrix right after he tired of trying to write the great American Novel, which was about five years ago, right after the war. He was old for a Web Zone designer but who knew? Who cared? His work was all done via satellite and as long as his work was good, his online brokerage account kept growing and growing.

He grabbed his sat phone, his digital companion, and headed topside. The wind had settled down and he was making 5.5 knots over the surface of the water according to the GPS. He gained some sort of comfort in thinking of the cloud of satellites overhead keeping track of his exact location anywhere upon the surface of the globe. Single handed sailing was surely not what it used to be. Now the isolation was more illusion than reality. If he should encounter serious trouble, his position would be marked from satellites and a hover craft would be on site within two hours. Hell, they probably would even have a photograph of his terror stricken face. Of course the insurance bill would be hefty, but it was the law. The illusion was fine though, he could really feel himself to be the last (or the first) man on earth. From horizon to horizon for days on end, not one sign of human habitation.

He walked to the rear of the cockpit and sat behind the wheel as the auto pilot silently turned it ever so slightly in accordance with the next way-point previously set into the Global Positioning System software. Through the fog, he could see the Golden Gate Bridge in the distance, or what was left of it, since the earth changes had started. It would be good to get back to San Francisco or San Frantasia as it was now called since it had been pretty well destroyed by the Richter 8.9 quake the previous year.

On his radar, Jannsun could see the blip of a large freighter coming over the horizon. These cargo carriers were absolutely huge. As he got closer he could see the helicopter lift off and turn back toward land. That would be carrying the crew. These new ships were totally robotic once they reached the twenty five mile limit. Then the crew was choppered off and the ship sailed on controlled by the auto pilot and the overhead satellite array. Since they were so large they could not turn to avoid a small craft such as Jannsun's, so their defense was an ungodly loud alarm horn which woke Jannsun up on more than one occasion. The klaxon would be triggered at five miles separation if the ship's radar suspected a possible collision. Once the horn was sounded it was the smaller craft's job to move out of the path of the floating city of steel. Still there was no guarantee. Many a large cargo ship had entered port with the debris of smaller vessels caught in the anchor chain and smeared across the steel bow.

As Jannsun watched the sails pull his boat along over the small waves he had to laugh when he thought of the recent War and the rumors about the war. He had been between the Marshall Islands and Hawaii when it happened. It was supposed to be a secret but it seemed the older he became and the more connected he became, the more secrets he was becoming privy to.

He heard it from a guy, who heard it from a guy, who knew a guy, who was actually involved. According to this guy, The War lasted twenty minutes, give or take a few seconds. The computers told each side who would win, by how much and the outside limits of the overall devastation. But the losing side was new to computer war and insisted on firing a real nuclear salvo. That mistake would not be made again.

Jannsun had been aware of the holo-projection of soldiers and implements of destruction on and over battlefields and street corners but he hadn't been aware of the Time Benders, the Mach 50 anti-gravity machines. Machines that were so fast they could actually intercept an enemy missile before it's physical body could completely lift off its launching pad. Machines so fast it was said they literally--bent time. These Time Benders were said to be able to move from a base in the states to a foreign battle field before a hostile combatant's hand could cycle a round into the firing chamber of his rifle. So fast, they could be there before an enemy tech's fingers hovering over a computer keyboard somewhere in a subterranean bunker could even reach the "Enter" key. Two seconds, maybe less. Some even went so far as to say that the newest stealth, skunk works stuff was so fast it could actually bend time and travel slightly backward so as to be there looking over the enemy's shoulder as the hostile idea first seemed to occur in his mind. Time Benders. San Frantasia to New York in two seconds, maybe four. The time delay was to give the controller on the ground a chance to gather his thoughts. No passengers allowed.

These craft were not piloted by human beings. It was found way back in the nineties that human pilots could not take anything above 12 "G's" before slipping out of their bodies. This was called "G-lock" and it spelled the end for super high performance manned fighter planes. These robo-drone super planes were now all flown remotely by teenagers from underground bunkers. It was the ultimate synchronicity that children (future warriors) had been training for years on very sophisticated and ever evolving 3-d video games. The athletic pilot/engineer of the 20th Century was a thing of the past, just another artifact. Technology was on the verge of time travel, and American teenagers would be the ones with their grimy little fingers on the buttons.

In the case of the Twenty Minute War, five enemy nucs blew about ten feet off their own launching pads. "No Nucs Today", was the glad news on CNN that evening. At least not on American soil. The media, fed by the government machine, made it appear the enemy was so incompetent that all their missiles misfired and exploded in their silos but both sides knew the truth. Jannsun knew the truth, or as much of it as his personal data net was aware of. Who really knew anything for sure anymore? It looked like the technology of perception had finally outrun the technology of verification.

Maybe there was no truth. Things had become so strange that sometimes Jannsun suspected that everything had already happened and we were just toying with selective memory.

Usability QA With Smart Home Devices

Smart Home devices are still a relatively new form of tech, but the market is now being flooded as the demand for Smart Home products is increasing at an exponential rate. While many such products are innovative and of high quality, many are lagging behind their competitors. While the actual "smart" device may be well designed and manufactured, the accompanying web or mobile apps are often severely lacking in several key areas. This negatively impacts the end-user experience and can be the deciding factor between a product's success or failure.

Smart Home devices range from light switches, thermostats, security systems and even fully functioning robots. Smart technology is being implemented pretty much everywhere in the home right now, and this trend shows no sign of slowing. While the diversity of Smart Home products varies quite considerably, a key factor in its overall success must be "usability". In a highly-competitive market place, any product that is not intuitive to use, the customer will simply switch to a competitor's product... fact!

Traditional usability testing will be isolated to a specific web app or mobile app. However, with smart home devices, usability testing must encompass the entire product, i.e. the device itself and its accompanying apps. For smart home devices that have been usability tested to a high level, this will result in the user having a positive experience while using the product.

A good QA company will evaluate a smart home device and its associated web or mobile apps along with any supporting documentation. From there, appropriate test approaches and methodologies can be defined and documented into a formal test plan. An optional suite of test cases will then often be designed. Many usability issues are often seen during the on boarding process. As this is the area that is used to typically set-up a new smart home device, it is of paramount importance that the user has a positive experience here.

By methodically working through not only the on-boarding, but all end-user workflows, user scenarios, supporting help/documentation etc. the testing can discover all usability issues which can be clearly documented for all product stakeholders to evaluate. The development team can then work with the usability defect reports to resolve the issues. Usability testing should ideally be performed before the product is launched, however as most smart home devices and their associated apps can be upgraded with new firmware/software updates, usability testing can also be highly effective after the product's initial launch.

Bring In Magento Expertise With IT Staff Augmentation

Many business organizations face various technical deficiencies while running their operations. Instead of struggling with such challenges, it is a good decision to meet those missing capabilities and skills by hiring some expert resources from any reliable and efficient service provider. Since with every passing second, a latest technology is developed, it becomes very difficult for the business owners to hire in-house professionals to manage the demands of the project. Staff augmentation is a popular solution that most companies are now using to effectively meet their specific requirements.

Magento is a popular ecommerce platform and companies are getting more and more creative and feature rich when it is all about delivering service and products to the customers. With new growth opportunities, maintaining experience staff workgroups, staying within the budget, reducing the risk exposure during economic slowdown, business owners often look for solutions that can help them to remain competitive in the market. Magneto website owners can gain more benefits through staff augmentation as this helps to find the right expertise for the job.

Why choose Magento staff augmentation?

Pay as needed: If you are not willing to hire Magento experts in-house, then hiring resources from a Magento development company can prove to be beneficial. Employing temporary staffs helps the company to escape the lengthy hiring process and the additional payroll expenses. Having staff augmentation allows to implement the "Pay as needed" model for some highly skilled personnel. The low cost will also help the companies to concentrate on growing their market share.

Immediate contributions to a project: Hiring Magento skilled resources often gives the company a great opportunity to include specific skill sets quickly and make positive contributions to the project without any waste of time. It offers an ability to adapt and also increase the nimbleness that aligns perfectly with the expense management process.

Implement new applications cost effectively: As new projects come up with business expansion, having the right people to do the job helps to increase the productivity. To survive in the marketplace, it is vital to roll out new applications using latest technologies without any extended delays or downtime.

Offers great flexibility: Reducing the organization's risk exposure to the economic fluctuations, is one of the biggest advantages of staff augmentation. It allows the company to adapt to the unforeseen variables and offers great flexibility that will help to save a good deal annually and also reduce their financial stress.

Offers temporary cover for crucial positions: With any employee having to take an emergency leave for several weeks, the organization must have some back up plans to perform the crucial project tasks. Since the company cannot afford to hire a full time employee for a short time period, hiring resources temporarily is the best thing that can be done, rather than a full time replacement.

Expedited development: All your skilled resources may be busy on various projects and suddenly you get the opportunity to work on another huge Magento project. You have excellent people, but all of them are tied up. It is here that you need extra hands and this is an excellent application of Magento staff augmentation. You have no lead time and want immediate coding and design experts. Hiring temporary skilled resources works well here.

Magento staff augmentation enables a large or small company to easily sustain its competitive advantage. Companies will continue to approach this due to the uncertain economic environment, to maintain flexibility and manage tight corporate margins.

Why Do You Need Blu-Ray Replication Services?

What is Blu-ray?

Blu-ray can truly be considered the next generation of the optical disc, which allows for great advancement not only in optical media capacity but quality as well. Truth be told, it's got the great potential to take HD video to greater heights. This replication is a process many people in Australia have been emphasizing on.

The disc has a capacity which is 5 times greater than a conventional DVD at 25GB. In fact, there are more than 200 companies dealing with consumer electronics, recording, computer games etc. that support this format.

Why should I opt for it other than DVD?

As mentioned above, Blu-ray is the next step in optical media - it offers not only a portable and commercially practicable but a durable media for both High-Definition (HD) video and rich media content, including video games. If you're a part of the entertainment industry and have a large quantity of (complex) content, using this format will be the smartest move you'll make.

Blu-ray replication is a technical manufacturing process considered for ROMs. This process seems only reasonable as a means for manufacturing many DVDs, say more than 2,000 units.

What can be the most feasible solution to your HD content delivery problems?

Blu-ray is the leading standard for HD (High-Definition) delivery as well as publishing that allows you to offer your video, audio as well as images that will look as clear and stunning as they did in the studio back then.

In fact, it's been in tough competition with HD-DVD. The former offers full HD at 1920*1080p. Not only that, it also offers frame rates of 24 or 29.97 frames per second (of course depending on your actual content). Sometimes referred to as BD, it can store a lot more than HD-DVD.

Looking for a reputable Blu-ray replication company?

If conducting an online search, you'd find several leading companies offering premium replication services to customers like you at affordable prices. These companies create retail ready Blu-ray discs with their packaging. They work with other firms that are extensively into selling retail grade products.

All of the projects handled by a professional Blu-ray replication company are replicated from the customer's master content. The turnaround time is approximately 10-12 working days.

Replicated discs have the same level of quality as the originals. Moreover, they can be pressed time and again provide a way for the regular flow of materials. If you're wanting to have HD video on your disc, look no further than Blu-ray - truly the best option there is. And hiring a professional company will provide you economical services you're looking for. Need we say more?

Wrapping up...

Many private businesses and individuals are largely relying on such a unique process. It enables them to produce media in bulk. And this process employs up-to-date technology.

Siddharth S Sehrawat is an expert writer and has great knowledge of replication and duplication services as well.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Laptop PC or Tablet: Which Is Appropriate for You?

Laptop PC or Tablet: Which is appropriate for you? We will help manage you through all the different preferences and limitations of the two, Laptop PCs and tablets to help you to settle on a cognizant choice on your next gadget. So check out our guide to choose between laptop computer or tablet, and go forth as an informed consumer into yonder bloated market. By and large, tablets are 7-11 inches, while portable laptops are 12-16 inches, which right away suggests that the previous will be easier to bear. On the off chance that you are going for one of the bigger tablets or a cross breed like the 18.4-inch Galaxy View Tablet, you may like to consider whether getting a small laptop computer is going to work out better for you.

Portable PCs are better when thought about than tablets, primarily due to their size and the capacity to store more hardware. Multitasking is less demanding on a Laptop PC than on a tablet, in spite of the fact that tablets are progressively offering better multitasking arrangements. The top of the line iPad Pro has 4GB of Memory and capacity choices beginning at 32GB, while Google's new leader Pixel C tablet has 3GB Memory, with interior stockpiling beginning at 32GB. While you will pay in any event $679 for the iPad Professional, you may get a Lenovo Yoga 500 convertible portable workstation 4GB Memory with the choice to expand that to 8GB, and 1TB of inside capacity for $399.

In the event that you are searching for something that will empower you to complete more top to bottom errands requiring different projects, at that point a Laptop PC in all likelihood is the approach, however a portion of the higher end tablets including the iPad Pro and Surface Pro 4, will offer superior execution over less complex tablets like the Amazon Fire Hi-def 8 or iPad Air range. It is only a question of not having an, or as large a screen, which enables the smaller gadgets to keep up a more drawn out charge than a laptop. In any case, more expensive Laptop PC's can last longer, however, once more, you should pay more to get a Laptop PC that holds its charge nearly as long as a tablet. Laptop PC's offer less battery life than tablets, so in the event that you are searching for something which doesn't have to complete complicated assignments, at that point a tablet may be the best decision. In general, an ultimate conclusion will significantly rely upon your particular needs. For some, the tablet will get the job done, and for others, the Laptop PC is an unquestionable requirement.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Oracle Chain is Planning Demantra Demand Management

To respond to uncertain and variable demand you need to ensure that all demand signals are captured at the right level of detail, leverage that demand and its underlying correlations and factors that influence the demand patterns, make sure that all key stakeholders are involved and accountable on a continuous basis, and make that forecast actionable and drive all downstream planning processes. Oracle Demantra Demand Management enables you to arrive at a single, precise consensus forecast.

A consensus plan built from a more accurate forecast aligns all your organizations and users, enabling you to be more demand-driven. Built-in analytics and adaptable business process automation capabilities enable a wide range of day-to-day decision making with real-time demand intelligence.

Oracle Demantra Demand Management enables you to sense demand from multiple data sources including point of sales and syndicated data, and analyze demand data at various levels to understand the detailed behavior of demand. Such detailed understanding of origin and relative contribution of various demands both improves your ability to predict the detailed behavior of you demand and enables demand shaping activities - programs and events designed to stimulate sales and grow market share for individual products or groups of products.

Improve forecast accuracy via advanced analytics and improved consensus

Better real time demand insight is only useful if you can translate it into a more accurate forecast. Oracle Demantra Demand Management and its patented Bayesian analytical forecast engine generates the most accurate forecasts possible. Automated algorithms automatically combine nine industry-standard and proprietary forecasting models, mixed in an infinite number of combinations to handle a wide range of product life cycles and demand patterns including intermittent demand. This produces a forecast that accommodates seasonality, promotions, trends, and other causal factors simultaneously. Causal correlations and other analytic parameters are automatically maintained at appropriate hierarchical levels where statistically relevant and adequate data points are available. Self-learning and self-adapting algorithms combine the different models to maximize predictive accuracy (rather than historic fit) and to respond to changing market conditions. Oracle Demantra Demand Management hides statistical complexity from demand planners ("PhD in a box") and managers, yet can be extensively modeled by statisticians as required for your business.

Oracle Demantra Demand Management provides a robust workflow driven collaboration paradigm across all constituents. Each participant gets the information tailored to their needs to be able to make key decisions. The system keeps an audit trail of all changes, notes that capture key decisions and assumptions, and generates exceptions to ensure responsiveness.

Integrated with Oracle Demand Signal Repository to leverage POS data

Demantra Demand Management can receive point of sale data directly from Oracle Demand Signal Repository, enabling a real-time demand sensing paradigm that captures demand signals closer to the point of consumption.

Collaborate with your key customers - Collaborative forecasting

Demantra Demand Management enables easy and effective collaboration with your customers enabling you to improve your prediction of demand. Customers can be provided secure access to only their data for more efficient collaboration. When deployed with Oracle Collaborative Planning you can enable a collaborative forecasting process when publishing sales forecast data to key suppliers and contract manufacturers.

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Distracted Driving Solutions to Prevent The Road Accidents

According to World Health Organization, in each and every year more than 1.25 million people die in the road accidents or traffic crashes, and many are injured. As we know, sudden loss of a person or a body part is very terrible to manage their whole life. Mostly teens are injured and died in the road accidents because lack of awareness about driving skills and distracted driving solutions.

Distracted driving means the act of driving while engaged in other activities, which takes drivers attention and that causes an accident. To avoid those accidents, distracted driving solutions are introduced, which are helpful to avoid and prevent the vehicle crashes.

Some of the well-known companies provide solutions for distracted driving with DriveScreen technology that can be managed by the Android mobile devices. It offers great control over your surroundings and allows you to use any application, such as block, launch, hide and etc.

The DriveScreen technology ensures a safe and secure driving at anywhere for any vehicle. This technology is very beneficial due to its excellent features. The benefits include:

• Allows applications to be seen but disables user input.
• Install any app and fill the screen with all kinds of navigation applications, it's very useful for easy navigation.
• When the vehicle goes in motion the screen can be configured to be hidden by any graphic that you choose. The default is a blank screen.
• Motion detection can be provided by the GPS.
• Works with Windows as well as Android.
• Can work with Android devices, also work with Windows 7, 8.1, and 10.
• Requires only a configuration file to install.
• Processes cannot be stopped by limited users.

This technology works based on GPS signals, it is specially designed to work along with external and internal GPS receivers. If GPS signals are unavailable, it can also work with the help of Motion Sensing devices in the indoor environment.

Best Solutions to Prevent Distracted Driving

• Completely avoid the texting and using mobile devices while driving.
• Keep your eyes on the road and be conscious, when you're driving.
• Wear helmet or seat belt without fail to protect yourself from injury.
• If you are drowsy or drunk, don't drive yourself.
• Check for the safety and make an adjustment before start driving.
• Install drive mode apps in your vehicle for easy navigation and to know about the surroundings.
• Secure children and pets before you get underway.
• Avoid eating meals or breakfast while driving on the road.
• Follow the speed limits and traffic rules.

Meet the experts at IPC, which introduced the DriveScreen technology for vehicles to prevent distracted driving accidents.

Friday, March 16, 2018

The Evolution of Computer Memory - From Semiconductors to Proteins

Semiconductor Memory

Conventional computer memory is known as "semiconductor memory" and was invented in 1968. It's based on technology known as the "semiconductor" which was invented in 1947. Many semiconductors grouped together is called an "integrated circuit", more commonly known as a "computer chip". Examples of semiconductor memory include ROM, RAM and flash memory. A big advantage of computer RAM (main memory) is price; ram is inexpensive. The main disadvantage of RAM is volatility; when you turn your computer off, the contents of RAM are lost.

Molecular Memory

Molecular memory is the name of a technology that uses organic molecules to store binary data. The Holy Grail of this technology would be to use one molecule to store one bit. For the near future, it would be more realistic to expect to have systems that use large groups of molecules to represent a single bit. Different types of molecules have been researched, including protein molecules. A more precise name of a molecular memory system that uses protein molecules is Protein Memory. Other types of molecular memory would have more precise names derived from the types of molecules on which the technologies are based.

Protein Memory

In the mid-1990s, the development of a protein-based memory system was the project of Robert Birge - chemistry professor and director of the W.M. Keck Center for Molecular Electronics. He was assisted by Jeff Stuart, a biochemist and one of Birge's graduate students. The protein molecule in question is called bacteriorhodospin. Purple in color, it exists in the microorganism halobacterium halobium which thrives in salt marshes where temperatures can reach 140F.

The protein undergoes a molecular change when subjected to light making it ideal for representing data. Each molecular change is part of a series of many different states known as the photocycle. There are three main states: the bR state, the O state and the Q state. The O state represents binary 0 and the Q state represents binary 1 while the bR or rest state is neutral. To survive the harsh conditions of a salt marsh, the protein must be incredibly stable, a critical factor if it is to be used for representing data.

While in the bR state, the protein is placed in a transparent vessel called a cuvette, measuring 1 x 1 x 2 inches. The cuvette is then filled with a gel. The protein is fixed in place by the solidification of the gel. 2 arrays of lasers - one red and one green - are used to read and write data while a blue laser is used for erasing.

Reading, Writing and Storage Capacity

We will start in the bR state of the photocycle. A group of molecules is targeted and hit by the green laser array, also known as the Paging lasers. These molecules are now in the O state which represents binary 0. The O state allows for 2 possible actions:

• Reading - done with the red laser array set at low intensity

• Writing a binary 1 - done with the red laser array set at high intensity which moves the molecules to the Q state

The Q state allows for 2 possible actions:

• Reading - done with the red laser array set at low intensity

• Erasing - done with the blue laser which moves the molecules back to the bR state

A bacteriorhodospin storage system is slow. Although molecules change states in microseconds (millionths of a second), it's slow when compared to semiconductor memory which has an access time measured in nanoseconds. Unfortunately, the time required to actually perform a read or write is even greater, on the order of ten milliseconds (thousandths of a second). The data transfer rate on this type of storage device is also very slow - 10 MBps (MB per second). In theory, the 1 x 1 x 2 inch cuvette could hold 1 TB of data or roughly one trillion bytes. In reality, Birge managed to store 800 MB and was hoping to achieve a capacity of 1.3 GB (billion bytes). The technology proved itself to the point that NASA was exploring methods of improving the technology during space shuttle missions, which in fact resulted in higher storage densities.


Birge's quest to build a protein-based memory system for a desktop computer was unsuccessful. Although Birge's vision failed, the development of some form of molecular memory (possibly protein memory) for desktop computers, seems possible. Scientists have also continued to work on developing other ideas involving protein memory. One idea from 2006 was to apply a layer of bR proteins to the surface of DVDs to increase storage capacity, theoretically up to 50 TB (over 50 trillion bytes). A dual layer blu-ray disc has a capacity of 50 GB (over 50 billion bytes).

Hey, gamers! Visit The Gaming Den for forums and plenty of free, helpful tips.

Monday, March 12, 2018

5 Mistakes to Avoid While Installing Network Cables

If you have shifted to a new home or soon shifting your workplace to a new building, you are probably already thinking of installing network cables as one of the first tasks. But wait, till you read further. Whoever said that "learn from the mistakes of others", must have been a genius." So, let's just utilize the suggestion practically and have a look at the most common mistakes made while installing network cables, to avoid doing it ourselves.

Using Separate Cables for Voice & Data

If you ask any relevant person about their biggest mistake while network cabling their home or workplace, you will get to hear it as one of the most common answers. Earlier, twisted cabling was comparatively expensive so people opted different cabling for both. But now the cabling itself isn't that much of an expense.

In fact, latest phone systems require data-level cabling so you don't have a choice but to get suitable cabling that supports both. Not thinking about the possibility of you installing any of those phone systems in future describes another major mistake.

Compromising with the Quality/Version

A network connection isn't temporary. With the ongoing advancements, it would be a grave mistake to still choose the cheapest and most basic cables available. Although it isn't mandatory to go with totally high-end cables, it would be a smart option to go for quality Ethernet cables capable of facilitating a robust connection.

That being said, you might not need a 10gbps speed right now, but let's just say 100Mbps should also not be what you settle with.

Cabling Parallel to Electric Cables

Setting up your networking cables parallel to electric cables can disturb the magnetic field of the cables and cause major disruptions. You can also end up losing transmission at times or very slow communication between the wires taking place.

So deciding your cable path, therefore, is very important rather than just going randomly about it.

Cutting Cables Too Short/Long

You certainly don't want your cables stretching hard to reach out to their destination connectors. So, the best way to go about it is to measure the exact distance of your connections and take just about a few inches more for ease. Don't cut them too short.

If short cables are a problem, too long ones are a bigger problem. Every cable has its capacity and if you choose lengths longer than their competence, you might suffer with slower and frequently disruptive connections. So, consider distance limitations of your cables seriously.

Not Testing Cables Simultaneously

Do you want to end up scratching your heads when your network cabling is done but you end up realizing that there had been a few faulty cables that refuse to aid the connection? We know the answer. So, the best way to avoid this is to go about checking every single cable while establishing the connection.

It might sound to be a time-consuming task given you are paying a hefty amount for labor but trust us it's better than paying them(much more) later for fixing a brand new connection.

Other than that, don't go about a haphazard connection. Plan in advance and go for cable organization as it comes really handy in long run and can save a lot on labor costs for maintenance. Additionally, you should also take care of the codes and ordinances of your region.

Looking from utility point of view, network cabling these days is as much an important job as electric wiring. So, it is important to get good cables, equipments, and proficient labor to avoid regretting later. To ensure everything goes smoothly, it's a good idea to hire professionals for the job rather than planning it out yourself.

Jennifer Truong is the owner of SF Cable, a california based online retailer of all kind of cables, wires and cords, Ethernet Cable. Jennifer has extensive experience in the cable industry and blogs about its various aspects.

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Is Technology a Bringer of Great Promise or Great Peril?

The pace of change continuously astounds and bewilders me. I just about remember horses pulling coal carts as a kid and now we're developing driverless cars. The Internet of Things will be part of our daily life soon and humankind seems to be losing the ability to stand up straight already. How long will it be before we start resembling bananas more than apes with a pronounced curve of the spine and neck from staring down at mobiles?

Mobile Phone Addiction

We're in the Fourth Industrial Revolution

According to the World Economic Forum, we're now in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. We've already lived through an immense amount of change and who knows what is round the corner. The ever rising march of Artificial Intelligence (AI) shows great promise in many fields for the future but it is also highly controversial and multi-faceted.

Even Elon Musk, the 'Thomas Edison of the 21st century' has serious doubts about what we are creating for ourselves. The serial entrepreneur who has had a hand in all types of technology from electric cars, rockets, Paypal, Hyperloop, solar power systems, electric jets to digital technology. The man who is famous for his plans to colonise Mars, further DNA sequencing to identify cures for diseases and viable fusion to create energy for us all for ever.

Mars colonisation

A man who is a bringer of great promise. However Musk also predicts that 'robots will be able to do everything better than us' and they will 'take your jobs, and government will have to pay your wage'. He also believes that we should be very concerned and proactively regulate Artificial Intelligence as it is a 'risk to the existence of human civilization' in a way that risks we commonly deal with now are only harmful to a set of individuals in society.

In contrast Mark Zuckerberg, the equally famous entrepreneur of Facebook is more optimistic saying that artificial intelligence will improve life in the future and that naysayers are irresponsible.

Is technology the bringer of great promise?

The positives of AI are certainly immense

"For people with a disability, the Fourth Industrial Revolution will give us super powers"

Birgit Skarstein, Double paralympic athlete and World Rowing Champion, Norway

"Imagine a robot capable of treating Ebola patients or cleaning up nuclear waste."

Dileep George, artificial intelligence and neuroscience researcher

"Any skilled engineer can take control remotely of any connected 'thing'. Society has not yet realized the incredible scenarios this capability creates."

André Kudelski, Chairman and CEO of Kudelski Group

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is already playing a massive role in health care and some believe that there is an AI Healthcare 'tsunami coming' that will benefit all. Data currently has the biggest part to play in healthcare providing the chance to revolutionise current healthcare systems.

AI Nurse

Google's Deepmind Health project mines medical records to provide faster and more detailed records.

IBM Watson is working with oncologists to create treatment plans using data from clinical notes and combining that with research, data and clinical expertise. IBM's Medical Sieve algorithm analyses radiology images to detect issues faster and more reliably.

The new Babylon app hopes to decrease doctors waiting times by giving medical AI consultations combining a person's medical history, medical knowledge and a database of diseases using speech recognition. It can also remind patients to take their medication.

Molly is a new virtual nurse which supports patients with chronic diseases in between doctor's visits.

AiCure checks if patients are taking their medicine and helps them manage their conditions.

Deep Genomics looks for mutations and linkages to disease using genetic and medical data and hopes to predict what will happen when DNA is altered.

Human Longevity offers genome sequencing alongside body scans and checkups to spot diseases in their very early stages.

Atomwise use AI to find existing drugs that could be used for other conditions, therefore, speeding up and reducing costs and potentially avoiding future pandemics.

Berg Health mines data to analyse why some people are insusceptible to certain diseases to help current treatments and discover new drugs.

The future certainly looks bright - but have you started to notice the changes in everyday life that are already impacting our lives?

Is technology the bringer of great peril?

"You cannot wait until a house burns down to buy fire insurance on it. We cannot wait until there are massive dislocations in our society to prepare for the Fourth Industrial Revolution."

Robert J. Shiller, 2013 Nobel laureate in economics, Yale University

Throughout the globe transportation, communication and education have all improved through high tech. With every improvement, however, there are negative consequences such as resource depletion, increased population and pollution.

In our more mundane everyday activities digital technology is already changing our lives. Many of us are already suffering from distraction, narcissism, expectation of instant gratification, depression, depleted vision and hearing, neck strain and lack of sleep. The National Sleep Foundation found 95% of people when surveyed used electronic devices before sleep and this can cause issues for our overall wellbeing.

We are becoming less dependent now on our memory and more on Google but often feeling that we're suffering from information overload. If we don't 'use our brains' will we lose our capability to think effectively? Or will we adapt in a different way?

When examining brain scans of frequent internet and mobile users vs occasional users there was twice as much activity in the short term memory and quick decision making area. We are learning to skim where there is too much information. Does that mean that we are becoming shallow thinkers or does it mean our ability to decipher information is actually becoming more efficient?

Technology will affect our jobs

I attended a LinkedIn conference recently on the use of insight and data in recruitment and the potential for AI.

The recruitment landscape is changing rapidly and the McKinsey Global Institute estimates that 46% of the activities in Europe's top five economies are already susceptible to automation - not in the near future, but right now.

This will affect all of us in some way and we need to be prepared for the shift towards even more hi tech based skills. There aren't enough key digital workers or software developers already in many countries and this situation will only be exacerbated as the years go by. We may need a future full of coders or at the very least software that professionals can use that removes the need to code.

It wasn't the AI potential or recruitment issues that grabbed my attention at the conference, however. It was a speech by Baroness Sarah Greenfield, a leading neurologist.

How neuroscientists see our future

Sarah used her neuroscience background to look at what could be happening to many of us in the modern digital age. She thinks that with so many of us obsessed with social media, search engines, mobile apps and gaming that we are actually losing our identity as human beings. We are lacking the enriched environment that creates increased neural connections in the brain and that the average person in the future may behave more like a 3 year old. That alarmist sentence certainly grabbed my attention.

She likened the lack of an interesting life full of different experiences to that of someone with Dementia where someone loses brain connections and doesn't have a frame of reference (rather like a small child). In other words, their identity is missing, they have short attention spans and demand that needs be satisfied instantly.

Social Networking issues

With conversations taking place more online and less so face-to-face with no opportunity for eye contact or emotions, the true sense of someone's identity could be slowly eroded. Words are normally only 10% of the total impact of a face-to-face conversation. Are we lacking 90% of normal interaction on Social Media? Do we rely on emojis to perceive emotion now?


Gaming rather than reading

Sarah stated that the move away from reading to video game playing was concerning. Reading allows you to have a deep 'relationship' with the characters where you become the character in a way that isn't really possible in video games.

Are gamers similar to gamblers?

Sarah showed us brain scans of gamers vs gamblers and how the Dopamine pathways were very similar and that damaged dopamine can lead to taking greater risks. The thrill of the moment when playing a game or gambling can override the consequences with the senses overtaking cognitive thought. Is our use of social media, the internet and apps reducing us to a society who is constantly craving stimulation, trying to achieve a Dopamine high, only living in the here and now and being driven by our feelings rather than serious thought?

I considered the level of gaming, social media and relentless Google searching via mobile throughout my family and pondered the consequences.

I can already see my children and all of their friends being taken over by gaming. They don't talk about much else and seem to be totally ruled by it. Then my own usage is much higher than I would like. I work with Social Media and it is hard to avoid but I am certainly far too dependent on it.

I started delving into whether Sarah Greenfield's comments are absolutely on the button. The scientific community have issues with some of her statements which need more proof rather than just hypothesis So I looked for further evidence as I'm sure that much of this is true to a certain extent as I see it every day with people stumbling through life joined to their mobiles and children not going out to play in the way they used to.

Facebook likes

So many of us use Facebook. The 'Like' button is acknowledged to be the same as receiving a little reward. Users gamble when they do something on Facebook - will we get a Like or be ignored? We're all subconsciously looking for positive feedback and confirmation, and yes it is addictive. Social Media has become a digital drug that has taken over our culture.

And does heavy Social Media usage actually make you feel good? A study in the Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology found that Facebook and depressive symptoms go hand in hand. "Social comparison" is what links Facebook time and depressive symptoms together. Thinking that your friends are having a better time than you. It suggests that users need to post a balance of good and bad. I've been sucked in by this but on reflection if I'm having a great time I'm not thinking of Facebook. I see people at gigs filming the whole night but feel that they're actually missing the chance to immerse themselves in the atmosphere (whilst I'm dancing like a woman possessed)

It's not just Social Media, however - there's the apps. I hang my head in shame at using Candy Crush as a Mum gamer years ago. But it didn't stop there - I became a master of Sim City and then Fallout Shelter and realised I had better stop when my kids started asking me for mobile app tips #parentingfail. I watch Netflix on my mobile in the bath, I'm always checking Social Media for work and communicating with people in sports/community groups that I need to be on top of. It's a mixture of positive and negative - I am reminded of what I need to do, could be doing, should be doing - but its constant. I even get mobile app reminders telling me to meditate! Oh the irony.

Tired mobile

Scott Levin, a Director of the US Family Medicine Residency Program, thinks that parents are so focused on their children's screen time that they forget about their own usage. "If we're not aware, as parents, of what we're modeling for our kids, then there are high prices to pay".

69% of parents and 78% of teens check their mobiles at least hourly.

(Common Sense Media)

So why do we get so drawn into games and mobile apps? Even Mums? I even know a Grandmother who played Candy Crush throughout the night.

Game designers call it 'juice' - the feedback or reward that you get from playing a game. Candy Crush plays sounds, flashes brightly and praises you in a strangely deep voice and apparently we like that - a bit much.

Juice is intended to join the gaming and real worlds together. The opportunities for Juice in virtual reality (VR) technology are even greater where the user is in an immersive environment and the juice might even be multisensory soon to include touch, hearing and smell.

Is the future of some of us going to be one of a VR life rather than a real one? If the VR life appears better than your own will users start removing themselves from normal society and living in this VR world?

Can gaming really be addictive?

Researchers have studied the psychological rewards of video games vs gambling vs drug use for over 20 years. They've compared the brain's dopamine pathway (the pleasure part) but we still don't know whether uncontrollable video game playing is an addiction on its own terms or just a symptom of deeper problems such as depression or anxiety.

New technologies are often blamed for compulsive behaviour when depression and social anxiety are the true culprits. "When you don't know how to fix that and create opportunities for yourself, you feel helpless. Why not play video games?" (Video Game Researcher, Nick Yee)

What can we do to prevent digital technology impacting our lives negatively?

Sarah Greenfield recommends that we apply a little risk management to our lives and ensure that we are living real lives and not just digital ones. Her advice probably resonates with most as it is standard advice given by mothers throughout recent times. But it is probably more important now than ever.

Go and exercise

- make new brain cells, give yourself time to free your mind

Interact with nature

Sit down and share a meal with someone

- talk to them - share stories and experiences

Do something creative

- be an individual!


Harness your individuality and don't miss out on real life

The UK is known for its creative industries and if we allow our creativity to slide and become an unthinking population of 3 year olds what do we have left?

Is this absolutely true for everyone? How do you become a brilliantly creative games designer without being fairly gaming obsessed? Are our software developers all devoid of cognitive thought? Of course not.

Our world is changing, and our brains are adapting to that new world. Good analysis and research looking at the co-evolution of mind and society can only be a good thing.

Is technology a bringer of great promise or great peril?

It seems to be both but it doesn't have to be that way. We can reduce the potential peril by researching the effect digital technology is having and taking steps to counteract it. We can put heavy checks and balances into what is being developed and how. The overarching concern may be whether that will happen if the real power behind society lies with the huge technology companies.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Smart Cities: Harnessing the Power of Technology in Local Government

The global economy is in constant turmoil, governments are challenged to provide levels of service that typically only private businesses can provide and disruptive technologies are transforming industry at a rapid pace. In this bold new era where change is unavoidable it is the innovative who are positioned to surely thrive.

In 2008, the global economy fell into recession; it was the most significant downturn since the Great Depression. Recovery has been a long and exasperating struggle; at times feeling like we are clinging to the edge of a cliff, desperately trying to hold on and weather-the-storm.

Some economists even predict we are on the verge of another global recession. Foreign and domestic factors are both significant contributors to the swelling pessimism; there is the unpredictability of Trump's Tweets, the looming collapse of the Euro, the astonishingly low cost of crude oil, student loan debts suffocating young adults who are unable to contribute to economic growth and let's not forget about the dreaded silver tsunami.

It's fair to say the economic outlook for the United States and Canada is unsettling. As a result of financial uncertainty many government agencies across North America are seeing their budgets tightened, while expectations from constituents continue to rise. The public opinion towards government processes, civic services and budgetary spending has become progressively more volatile in recent years.

So, how does one do more with less? Well, when you consider that we live in a world where virtual reality, 3D printing, quadcopters, pocket-sized spectrometers, and self-driving cars are no longer simply things of science fiction, the answer may be staring us directly in the face.

There are a plethora of software solutions that assist with a wide range of government functions. The technologies available today disrupt the old ways of doing things; these are solutions that automate and streamline processes, compile and share information departmentally, increase citizen engagement and enable open governments.

Numerous communities across North America are seemingly transforming into smart cities overnight; governments are adopting innovative technologies as a means to become more efficient and generate new revenue. Even more uplifting is that these advancements in technology no longer simply cater to federal and state agencies, local governments are now consuming what has become repeatable and affordable technology solutions.

Optimism should not be confused with naivety. The challenges being confronted by governments are most certainly daunting and implementing change successfully warrants its own discussion, but regardless of these hurdles the solutions being developed out of necessity are truly inventive and inspiring. More and more government agencies seem eager to evolve, refusing to fear disruptive technology and instead utilizing it as an opportunity to prosper. Navigating through the complexities of this digital age is certainly no easy task, but in a world ripe for change to the innovative go the spoils.

Derek, an employee of the E-Government Consulting Firm zedIT Solutions, works in collaboration with colleagues and partners to weave through complexities of technology and help transform public sector clients into digitally enabled government agencies.

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

To Reach New Heights On Cloud Computing, Move Slowly

There is no denial in the fact that there is a mad rush in adopting cloud technology and many organizations are eager to implement these solutions. This reflects that there is a necessity to add the new "it" in IT. It has been rightly said that instead of depicting cloud technology with the help of white fluffy cloud, organizations should use the image of a tornado as this is how fast cloud computing is growing today. It has been estimated that the expenditure on global cloud computing equipment is predicted to reach $80 billion dollars in 2018.

The benefits of cloud computing for an organization are very clear and it is easy to understand how they can transform any business. It is clear that cloud computing can increase scalability, storage capacity, productivity, efficiency and better use of analytics. But keeping these advantages in mind there seems to be urgency in the market to introduce more swiftness in their day to day operations and prove themselves to be first and fast in designing and deploying cloud solutions for their organization.

When an organization adopts a tailored approach in selecting those solutions that are best for their organization, instead of diving into the next available technology that might not fit with the business objectives and create difficulties and hamper their progress it will help you to move a little faster and help you to gain competitive advantage in the business environment.

You don't always need to look out for newer technologies

Since there is a huge hype around the adoption of cloud technologies, organizations often expect quick and over the top results when they decide to adopt them into their business operations. But, before fully committing to cloud solutions top management should carefully plan out the course that they would adopt and themselves certain fundamental questions before making any further commitments. They need to define the goals that they are expecting to achieve and what are their relation to the cloud and how these solutions are going to help the business achieve its objectives and goals.

Also, the decision makers need to have a clear approach to what goals are achievable and how they are beneficial for the organization. Cloud should not be considered as a savior for the organization's IT obstacles. Measurement plays a vital role in any new process for an enterprise, and the cloud is not any different. Before rushing into implementation, CIOs should determine how they are going to track effectiveness and success at the outset. They need to drive toward a strategy that engages the cloud in a multi-phased approach that helps to demonstrate early, quick wins from which the organization can gain confidence to tackle increasingly complex cloud capabilities.

Give Yourself Both an Exit and a Path to Expansion

Decision makers for any organization have a big decision to make as far as new technology is concerned i.e. to compare old vs. the new and then decide what might work for them according to the organization's goals and objectives. Whatever technology that works for them today might be a threat for tomorrow and for enterprise-wide adoption of cloud technologies CIO's need to understand the benefits as well as the setbacks that might come with it along with being prepared for them when the time comes. In short, you don't need to abandon the reliable "old" technology that works for you before making sure whether the new one is the one for you.

Before going all in for the cloud adoption every organization needs to always have an option to go back from where they started if they see that cloud technologies are not beneficial for them and they can perform without them, which might be a rare scenario. Every CIO needs to ensure that they adopt a cloud solution that can be molded as the market conditions transform and where you can easily add and alter features to the cloud applications.

Be well qualifies for Data Security, and Prepare for the Unimaginable

Data privacy and Security are two of the most important things that organizations go for when they are adopting cloud technologies. It is vital for decision-makers to take their own time and examine all the aspects of security features of the cloud solutions before giving a green signal and moving forward to purchase and implement cloud technologies.. They also need to ensure that they have security policies and procedures in place when they are dealing with data security in the cloud.

Ready the Staff

When organizations have decided to introduce cloud solutions in its diverse departments, it can have an efficient effect on the company's culture. There are certain times where employees are really not prepared for the change that is about to be implemented. Since the benefits of cloud are extreme for every organization, it is upon the top management how they are able to adopt the latest technology in their daily operations and drive the organization forward along with implementing the technology the right way avoiding all stagnation and setbacks. The right time to adopt the cloud is right now but it should be done with a lot of care and with proper planning. While implementing the cloud technology the management should take regular feedbacks from the personnel who are operating it directly so that they are aware whether the organization is moving in the right direction or not. Hence it is essential for every organization to understand whether the staff is ready for the new technology and will be able to adopt it effortlessly.